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Scanning Time!
The tool is really amazing in terms of scanning. It can scan all the ports really fast and then pipe the output to the Nmap. Now in this room, we'll scan our vulnerable machine. Basic format for RustScan is rustscan -r ports -a <Target-ip> -- <nmap cmds> Here's a full list of things you can do.
Multiple IP Scanning
You can scan multiple IPs using a comma-separated list like so:
Host Scanning
RustScan can also scan hosts, like so:
CIDR support
RustScan supports CIDR:
Hosts file as input
The file is a new line separated list of IPs / Hosts to scan:
The argument is:
Individual Port Scanning
RustScan can scan individual ports, like so:
Multiple selected port scanning
You can input a comma-separated list of ports to scan:
Ranges of ports
To scan a range of ports:
To run:
Adjusting the Nmap arguments
RustScan, at the moment, runs Nmap by default.
You can adjust the arguments like so:
To run:
Random Port Ordering
If you want to scan ports in a random order (which will help with not setting off firewalls) run RustScan like this:
Answer the questions
After scanning this, how many ports do we find open under 1000?
Perform a service version detection scan, what is the version of the software running on port 22?
Perform an aggressive scan, what flag isn't set under the results for port 80?
Last updated