Game Zone
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Room Link:
Username field was vulnerable to SQLi,
I setup burp to intercept requests and then tried searching for something on the portal page
Saved the request into a file called request.txt, if you highlight everything and right click you can copy to file
In the users table, what is the hashed password?
What was the username associated with the hashed password?
What was the other table name?
Used the following site to idenfitfy what the hash type was. It identified that it is SHA2-256.
Hash Analyzer:
What is the de-hashed password?
john was able to crack the hash ehich gave us the password videogamer124.
Now you have a password and username. Try SSH'ing onto the machine. What is the user flag?
Exposing services with reverse SSH tunnels
How many TCP sockets are running?
What is the name of the exposed CMS?
What is the CMS version?
I was able to login with the previous credentials found and find the CMS version.