This ran for the majority of the time I was working on the box, I found the wordpress and checked robots.txt manually and the scan didn't really find anything of interest.
Because there were so many entries in fsocity.dic I tried to reduce it as much as I could by removing duplicates and passwords that I thought would be unlikely.
cat fsocity.dic | sort | uniq > new-fsocity.dic
#Remove lines with less than 4 characters
sed -r '/^.{,4}$/d' new-fsocity.dic > new-new-fsocity.dic
#Remove lines with just numbers
awk '! /^[0-9]+$/' new-new-fsocity.dic > nonums.dic
#Remove lines with more than 11 characters
sed '/^.\{11\}./d' nonums.dic > final.txt