Gaining Access
Gaining Access
Default Credentials
John the Ripper
Password-protected RAR files.
SHA256: 1400
SHA512: 1800
RAR5: 13000
Dictionary: 0
Local File Inclusions
Find a way to upload a PHP command shell.
CVE-2009-3103: SMBv2 Command Value Vulnerability This vulnerability impacts Windows Server 2008 SP1 32-bit as well as Windows Vista SP1/SP2 and Windows 7.
CVE-2017-0144 This vulnerability impacts Windows. Exploiting it requires access to a Named Pipe (NOTE: Windows Vista and newer does not allow anonymous access to Named Pipes).
CVE-2017-7494 Exploiting this vulnerability depends on your ability to write to a share. Download Proof-of-Concept code from joxeankoret and modify as desired.
An example of a modified implant.c file. This source file gets compiled by the provided Python script.
My example payload sends two ICMP packets to my computer. Therefore, the command sentence below is necessary to confirm the exploit works. If you chose to include a reverse shell, you would run something like sudo nc -nvlp 443
Run the exploit.
ShellShock via SMTP
Shell via Samba Logon Command
SQL Injection
Check for a SQLi vulnerability
Check the quality of SQLi vulnerability
Get the number of columns of a table (increment the number until there is an error; ex: if 4 triggers an error, there are 3 columns).
Get all table names (look for user/admin tables).
Get all possible column names within the entire database (look for values like "username" and "password").
Get usernames and passwords from the users table.
Get usernames and passwords from the admins table.
Get the database software version.
Get the database service account name.
Execute a database function (ex: user(), database(), etc.).
Execute shell command (ex: find current working directory).
Common Oracle-based SQL Query Errors
FROM keyword not found where expected
Occurs when you try to execute a SELECT or REVOKE statement without a FROM keyword in its correct form and place. If you are seeing this error, the keyword FROM is spelled incorrectly, misplaced, or altogether missing. In Oracle, the keyword FROM must follow the last selected item in a SELECT statement or in the case of a REVOKE statement, the privileges. If the FROM keyword is missing or otherwise incorrect, you will see ORA-00923.
SQL command not properly ended
The SQL statement ends with an inappropriate clause. Correct the syntax by removing the inappropriate clauses.
Missing expression
You left out an important chunk of what you were trying to run. This can happen fairly easily, but provided below are two examples that are the most common occurrence of this issue.The first example is the product of missing information in a SELECT statement. The second is when the FROM clause within the statement is omitted.
ORDER BY item must be the number of a SELECT-list expression
Query block has incorrect number of result columns
Expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression
Re-write the SELECT statement so that each matching column is the same data type. Try replacing the columns with null. For example, if you only want to see the table_name and the output is 3 columns, use "table_name,null,null" not "table_name,2,3".
MySQL Database Queries
Add a new user to a SQL database.
Last updated